Art designed by Tony Chirica
Level designer
QA tester
Team size:
Development length:
20th August 2023 - 27th August 2023
Link to the Memoriam page and build:
Memoriam is a prototype developed by a team of five international developers during the Brackey’s Game Jam 2023.2 ( The theme was “Diving Deeper”.
Memoriam is a third person shooter, set in a dark monochromatic world where you take for as a ethereal raven representing the player's soul, as you dive into the depths of your subconscious and uncover the mysteries of your own mind.
I was the level designer and QA tester for this project. I planned, blocked out, and developed four scenes within the game. Each scene containing a different mood, setting, and difficulty.
First level was the tutorial, teaching the player how to move, shoot, shoot at and defeat enemies, and pass through the portal. This was a small simple scene, only offering a linear path, to help the player understand the basic mechanics without the distractions.
Second level was the forest where the player had to protect themselves from a swarm of wraiths. This level has multiple opportunities for players to be able to strategically funnel enemies, so they can control the enemy swarm and reduce getting overwhelmed.
Third level was the dead forest where the player was more exposed to the enemy wraiths, and had to develop a new strategy with their power up mechanic - dashing. Dashing allowed the player to get away from enemy swarms and reposition themselves for a better attack point, as well as dashing into the swarm to cause some damage to the swarm.
Fourth level was the cave where the player encountered two combat areas, each progressively getting more difficult with more enemies in the swarm and more obstacles in their way. Once the player was able to clear out both combat areas, they were able to proceed to their goal - reconnecting their soul back to their physical body.
Emma McCaw: Level Design, QA
Flo McQuibban: Game Design, Narrative, Production, UI, VO
Germán Medina Calle: Music, Sound Design, VO Integration
Ryan Salam: Programming, UX, VFX
Tony Chirica: Environment Art, Programming, Animation